Thursday, February 26, 2009

I was sooo wrong...

Just when I thought that it was getting warmer, and that we were all getting better...Things totally change! Today it was freezing and it hailed and snowed! So not fun! AND I took CJ to the doctor, and he has double ear infections and bronchitis! Poor little guy. He is on an antibiotic, and they gave him some ear drops to relieve the pain from his ear infections. It's amazing to see the difference before and after the drops! They are awesome.

Nothing else to report. So, until next time...Hugs!

1 comment:

The Giles Files said...

That yucky stuff is going around. Hannah has the same thing. She is on her second round of antibiotics for the ear infections and still has to do breathing treatments 4 times a day. Poor Babies! It tears my heart when when the little ones are sick.