Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelley Rose!

Well today my dear daughter turned 5 years old! I can't believe how time flies. We sure have enjoyed having her (yes, even her sassiness!) We have watched her over the past year grow and mature into a great little girl. Never a dull moment and lots of fun when she is around. She loves the world around her. I've added some pictures of the birthday girl.

We made pizza for dinner, her idea, and here she is helping.

Her Princess Cake

Trying not to blow out the candles while we were singing to her

Opening presents

Her Princess "Big Girl Bike"

And just this last one cuz it was just so CUTE! Her and her Uncle Charlie.

With those all posted I will leave you a Kelleyism: Friday morning our conversation goes something like this... (After just waking up) K: Mom, I have a headache Me: Oh you do? I'm sorry. Would you like some medicine to help it feel better? K: Yes, because I think my brain is malfunctioning. Hahahaha! Thanks for reading this...Hope it finds you all well and happy. Until next time. Hugs!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A couple Kelleyisms for you all...

So, the other day, Kelley was sticking anything and everything in her mouth and chewing on it. She saw it, she was chewing on it. So, I asked her, are you getting teeth or something, because you are chewing on EVERYTHING!? She looks at me and says, Not the walls!...I stand corrected, it was not everything! LOL

And the other, She had fallen asleep on the couch, and I just left her there instead of changing her out of her clothes and putting her in her bed. Well, in the middle of the night she comes in and wants to sleep with me in my bed, so I pull her jeans off so she would be more comfy. When she wakes up, she says "MOM! Why don't I have any pants on?!" and I say, "Because I pulled them off of you in the middle of the night." Kelley: "OH, I don't remember that." Me: Well, you were probably half asleep" Kelley: OH Did I have one eye open and eye closed?, Cuz that's half asleep" Haha Silly, silly girl!